Abstracts – instructions for submission

  • Abstracts may be submitted online.
  • Limited to 250 words.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in advance of the
    conference and before the announced deadline.
  • After you have submitted your abstract, you will receive confirmation via e mail that your abstract has been received.

Abstract submission rules

  • Abstracts should be original and must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Abstracts should be submitted in word format that reflects a neuroscience topic and outlines the purpose of the presentation.
  • Biography of the author(s) must be included in the abstract submission.
  • Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered participants.
  • The presenting author is required to inform all co-authors of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • All abstract submission must identify a lead author.
  • All submitted abstracts will be forwarded to the scientific committee for review.
  • Notifications regarding status will be sent once the review process is complete.

Type of presentations include:

Oral Presentation

  • an oral presentation of material, it is strongly recommended that you use Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT).
  • 25 minutes presentation.
  • five minutes for discussion.

Poster Presentation  

  • a visual display of material to be exhibited throughout the conference.
  • with the opportunity for a five -minute presentation of your poster. 

There will be a prize awarded to both the highest scoring Oral Presentation and the highest scoring Poster Presentation.


  • an interactive session of 60 – 90 minutes duration where the leader works with the participants to develop their knowledge and understanding of a topic.
  • if the workshop is sponsored it is important that you let us know as soon as possible.
  • if the workshop is sponsored the sponsor MUST complete Sponsorship / Exhibiting Application Form – click here for more information.

Ethical Considerations

These relate to all aspects of presentation:

  • never use people’s real names unless you have their permission to do so; this is particularly important when using a case study approach; always maintain confidentiality.
  • if using X-rays, scans, charts, etc., as visual aids remember to delete names from them.
  • if you refer to the work/research of someone else, acknowledge your sources; ensure that you have permission to divulge information if necessary.
  • it is the individual presenter’s responsibility to ensure that copyright is not infringed in any presentation.
  • the BANN does not necessarily endorse the views of individuals expressed in presentations at conference.

By submitting an abstract, you agree to the following.

  • Your presentation will be made available electronically to BANN no later than one week prior to the conference.
  • Your presentation will be made available by BANN to delegates and members through the BANN website conference area (in protected PDF format).
  • Presentations should be Microsoft PowerPoint compatible.
  • You will register for the conference for at least the day of your presentation.

Submitting an abstract