Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS) Conferences
The Society of British Neurological Surgeons was founded in 1926 and is one of the world’s oldest national neurosurgical societies. They currently have just over 1,000 members.
The Officers and members of the Council of the Society are elected by the votes of the full members and the President of Society is an invited member of several professional medical organisations.
The purpose of the Society is the study and advancement of Neurosurgery. This is achieved through the scientific meetings of the Society, through publications arising from deliberations about aspects of Neurosurgical practice and delivery of Neurosurgical services, through fostering professional relationships amongst neurosurgeons and through engagement with the public and bodies involved in the provision of care to patients requiring Neurosurgery.
The Society promotes safe and effective Neurosurgical treatment for patients throughout Great Britain and Ireland. The Society has developed and maintains the National Neurosurgical Audit Programme (NNAP), which produces outcome data for all neurosurgical in patients in England.
It is also fully engaged with the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) project, aiming to improve patient care while reducing costs in all specialties.
High standards of professional practice are promoted through the Society’s involvement in the education and the examination of Neurosurgeons and through its scientific meetings and associated activities in the continuing professional development of Neurosurgeons.
Abstracts of papers presented to Society meetings, and other aspects of formal Society business are published on the website and in the Society’s official journal, the British Journal of Neurosurgery.
Specialist Interest Groups
There are a number of specialist interest groups which take it in turns to meet on the Tuesday before the SBNS meetings. These meetings encourage specialist nurse attendance and often include a nurse led meeting.
They also tie in with the Lifelong learning session which takes place on the Wednesday morning of the Conferences.
BNVG – British Neurovascular Group
BSBS – British Skull base Society
BNTG – British NeuroTrauma Group
BNOS – British Neuro-oncology Society
CSF Group
BOSS – British Association of Spinal Surgeons
BPNG – British Paediatric Neurosurgery Group
BSSFN – British Society of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery
Nurses and AHP attendance at SBNS Conferences
A number of meetings took place with the SBNS in 2010 to discuss ways to encourage Neuroscience nurses to attend their conferences.
This culminated in an agreement and formal letter from Richard Kerr (SBNS Secretary at the time) confirming that the SBNS would support two Nurses/AHPs from each neurosurgical unit to attend each conference.
This must be agreed by the CSL from the unit where the member of staff works.
What is supported by the SBNS:
Registration fee – usually around £100.
This can be found under: Allied Health (Medical Student, Research, Nurse, Charity Rep, Senior and Affiliated SBNS Members) section on the registration form.
What is not supported by the SBNS:
Travel and accommodation – delegates have to make their own arrangements for these.